About Us

BehindTheBuzz is a popular website that aims to share the news, humor, and content that really helps people laugh and make intelligent buying decisions.

The website is owned and controlled by Lokesh Kapoor, who is a blogger from Kanpur. He is very active in the digital marketing field and runs multiple blogs and websites.

This website was created from a different domain but later shifted to BehindTheBuzz, which looks quite exciting. Even the content we share on this website has been multi-folded. We first shared only News, Viral, Entertainment, and Bollywood content.

However, now we have shifted our focus to Tech, Facts, SAAS, WordPress, and Startup News. The reason for this change is straightforward – the owner of this site made it in his childhood, but now his knowledge and interest are changed.

Due to fewer people actively monitoring the website, the content of this site is being focused based on the owner's interest.

This website holds high aims and dreams. Be part of our simplicity, motive, dream, and a family that is keen to share content that matters.

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